The Truth About Lead In Ceramics

The Truth About Lead In Ceramics

The Truth About Lead in Ceramics Let’s dive into a topic that often sparks concern and confusion among consumers: lead in ceramics. It’s a subject surrounded by misinformation and fear, but it’s time to shed some light on the facts. First and...
Ceramic Cone Chart:  Kiln Firing Rates

Ceramic Cone Chart: Kiln Firing Rates

Figure 1 Figure 2 Ceramic Cone Chart:  Kiln Firing Rates Have you ever glanced at those perplexing columns detailing different firing temperatures for the same cone number and wondered what they truly signify? If so, you’re not alone. These columns hold vital...
Ceramic Cone Chart:  “Heatwork”

Ceramic Cone Chart: “Heatwork”

Ceramic Cones:  “Heatwork” In the world of ceramics, the term “heatwork” is often used to describe the process of firing clay and glazes in kilns. However, as any experienced potter or ceramic artist will tell you, this term doesn’t quite...
Demystifying Ceramic Glaze Labels

Demystifying Ceramic Glaze Labels

Demystifying Ceramic Glaze Labels: A Guide for Safe and Confident Glazing Have you ever stared at a bottle of ceramic glaze, baffled by the cryptic symbols and technical jargon? You’re not alone! Navigating the world of glazes can be daunting, especially when it...
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