CMW Blog
Welcome to our blog!
We write about helpful community resources, CMW news and updates and behind the scenes of what we’re working on!
We try to add new content often so make sure to check back often!
Glow Up! A Ceramicist’s Guide to Glow-in-the-Dark Glazes
Explore the science behind glow-in-the-dark glazes and how you can make your own.
A Crystalline Glaze Conundrum: The Role of Clay
Learn more about the common misconception that clay is incompatible with crystalline glazes and why we don’t think it’s the case.
A Beginner’s Glossary of Glaze Chemistry Terms
Curious about glaze chemistry? Check out our beginner glossary that defines all the key terms you’ll need to know.
5 reasons you should make your own glazes!
5 great reasons why you should consider making your own glazes
How CMW Makes a Plaster Slab for Testing Clay Bodies
How Ceramic Materials Workshop makes a plaster slab for testing clay bodies.
The Science Behind Glaze Application: Dipping, Brushing, Spraying
In this blog article, we will review what causes glaze crazing, debunk some common myths and give some tips on how to prevent it.