On today’s episode of For Flux Sake our hosts answer a handful of questions about material substitutions. They talk about the similarities between iron and cobalt colorants, and which raw materials you can interchange for others. Listen to episode 35 now on your favorite podcast app or stream here.

Kathy, Matt, and Rose are excited to announce that the first in-person taping of For Flux Sake will be happening at this year’s NCECA in Cincinnati. If you come to the podcast room at 1pm on Friday March 17th you can join the live taping and have your questions answered. It’s going to be a blast so bring your questions and your friends!

If you have a ceramic chemistry problem you’d like help with, send us a voice memo with your question to forfluxsakepodcast@gmail.com. To see the supplemental info, we talked about in this episode, visit the blog at www.ceramicmaterialsworkshop.com/cmw-blog.

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