by Kyra Lysynecky | December 7, 2023 | Blog Article
In the realm of ceramics, artistry intertwines with scientific precision. The transformation from raw materials to finished artworks hinges on meticulous attention to detail. Among the arsenal of tools residing in the ceramics studio, one instrument works behind the...
by Kyra Lysynecky | November 30, 2023 | Blog Article
As the holiday season approaches, the search for unique and meaningful gifts takes center stage. This year, why not give a gift of learning the science behind ceramic glazes and how to make them? Ceramic Materials Workshop can help! We’ve got gifts for all the...
by Kyra Lysynecky | November 17, 2023 | Blog Article
“Bloat” in ceramics refers to a specific type of clay defect that happens during the firing process. When clay is fired in a kiln, it undergoes a series of physical and chemical changes. Bloating is one of the undesirable outcomes that can occur during...
by Kyra Lysynecky | November 4, 2023 | Blog Article
Ceramic kilns are essential tools in the world of pottery and ceramics. These versatile machines are responsible for firing clay to create durable and beautiful ceramic pieces. However, to achieve consistent, high-quality results, ceramic kilns must undergo thorough...
by Kyra Lysynecky | October 18, 2023 | Blog Article
Glaze failure in the ceramics world is a word that often evokes disappointment and discouragement or what Matt calls “Post Firing Depression”. Much of the ceramics community glorifies success in pretty photoshopped magazines and books, and as a result, we tend to see...