Test Tile with Glaze Applied Charge with light source Final Result Introduction Have you ever dreamed of creating pottery that glows in the dark? It’s not as magical as it sounds, but it’s definitely achievable with the right glaze recipe and firing...
Debunking the Myth: Clay and Crystalline Glazes A common misconception among potters is that clay is incompatible with crystalline glazes. Many believe that the presence of clay will hinder the formation of crystals, leading to dull, lifeless glazes. However, as...
This is our glossary to help provide a foundation for beginners looking to understand glaze and clay chemistry terms. By familiarizing yourself with these terms, you can navigate the world of pottery with greater confidence. Glaze Chemistry Terms Batch: A mixture of...
We continue the conversation about Cone 6, from our online workshop. “The Middle Glazes: The Story of Cone 6 Glazes… This time we are looking at how temperature effects a glaze. Above you will see four glazes, but they are all the same glaze. This is a...
Delayed crazing-it’s a thing! Our student Lois Aranow asked us if she was seeing things, because work she had that was originally not crazed, we’re now crazed, even though the firing was a long time ago. A lot of you commented that the glazes in our last post were...